Red Ribbon Week with Omni Youth Programs – October 25 - 29
What is Red Ribbon Week?

Red Ribbon Week is the nation’s oldest and largest drug prevention awareness program. Red Ribbon week was Established in 1985 to honor the memory of Drug Enforcement Agent Enrique (Kiki) Camarena. This alcohol, tobacco, other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign is observed annually in October in the United States. The Red Ribbon campaign symbolizes a commitment to raise awareness of the destruction caused by drugs in America. Red Ribbon week serves as a catalyst to mobilize communities to educate youth and encourage participation in drug prevention activities. Since its beginning, the campaign has reached millions of U.S. children and families.
At Omni Youth Programs, we are excited to share all they ways we will be active during this year’s Red Ribbon Week. And there are many opportunities for you to get involved too!

Marijuana-NAH Classroom Activity Kit Launch
Free classroom activities for 5th - 7th grades that help separate fact from fiction regarding today's marijuana. Includes a downloadable activity booklet, What To Say When Someone Tries To Pressure You To Use Marijuana & Alcohol Quiz videos that will provide students with the chance to learn about the effects of marijuana on their brains & use this information to make informed & responsible decisions when confronted with peer pressure to use marijuana.
Available 10/25/2021 - OMNIYOUTH.NET

Mental Health Hacks for Teens
Join us live on FACEBOOK: Get answers on how to help yourself and others learn how to relieve stress & anxiety and increase your mental well-being. Discuss 3 ready-to-use tips that can have an immediate effect on your ability to deal with the ups and downs of life without falling into the trap of alcohol and other drug use. Become an influencer by sharing what you've discovered with your friends and followers.

9 Mental Health Hacks For Teens
These days an increasing number of young people are struggling. Many are looking for different ways to focus, relieve stress & anxiety, while trying to help increase success. Tune in to this free webinar designed to offer ready-to-use solutions that can improve mental well-being and help avoid the trap of alcohol and other drugs. Get answers on how to help yourself & others. Join this judgment
free zone with your thoughts & questions.

Family Matters Online Facilitator Certification Training
During our training you will learn how to be a facilitator for Family Matters. This program is a 4 session "send-home" program for families with teens. When you lead this program, families will learn healthy family communication, set family rules for alcohol use, how to enhance parental supervision, and how teens can resist peer and media influence. This program will not require you to have in-person meetings. Facilitators of this program call families weekly to check in, motivate families and record outcomes.
For More Information visit

When Your Older Sibling Uses Drugs
– Blog Article
Older siblings have a strong influence on their younger siblings. Whether they intend to or not, an older sibling’s drug use influences those watching them. Learn more about resisting influences & how to dissuade others from using.
Available on our blog page - 10/29/2021
If you are interested in learning more about Omni Youth Programs' resources, services, or events contact Chris Serra by email -