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  • What is the catch? What materials will I need to start one of these programs?
    The catch is that you must implement this program at least once in Sacramento County and report the data to Omni Youth Programs using the on-line form we will provide you. All training and all start up materials are free. The only cost to you or your organization is: Family Matters: The cost of copying the booklets which average 8-12 pages each. Active Parenting of Teens: $12 book for each of your families. Teens In Action: $10 book for each teen.
  • What materials will I need to start one of these programs?
    FAMILY MATTERS: Families with teens to serve A phone Ability to print, mail or email booklets to families Access to internet and computer to submit demographic and survey data TEENS IN ACTION and ACTIVE PARENTING OF TEENS DVD player, laptop or TV with sound ** Showing videos is required** Location to hold the program Ability to make copies of paperwork Access to internet and computer a computer to submit demographic and survey data Ability to outreach and recruit parents and/or teen
  • Can I just take the Facilitator Training without getting trained in a program?
    No. You must commit to a program. If your organization wants to have a Facilitator Training we can provide that at an affordable sliding scale cost to your organization. Cost will vary depending on number of participants and location of training. Please contact Shari Egeland (916) 362-2000 x14
  • I want to take training in this program just to learn more about it and I have no plans to implement the program is that ok?
    No. Sacramento County has funded Omni Youth Programs to train people who agree to implement the program at least once in Sacramento County as a larger strategy to build community capacity around underage high risk behavior.
  • I would like to use bits and pieces from this program to add to my program is that ok?
    We provide training to people who have the committed intention of implementing the entire program at least once in Sacramento County. You can add additional aspects to the program but you cannot take anything away and must run the program as it is set up.
  • I live outside of Sacramento County, Can I become certified by you?"
    Yes, if you implement to residents of Sacramento County. If you are planning to implement only outside of Sacramento County then you will have to pay a fee to become certified. Fee varies depending on the number of training participants and location of training. Please contact Shari Egeland for quote at or (916) 362-2000 x14.
  • What if I want to become certified in a group program but I do not have a place to hold the group?
    Family Matters is a send-home program where facilitators call families weekly to check in. Therefore it does not require a physical place to conduct the program. Teens In Action and Active Parenting of Teens can be done virtually online using a free meeting platform such as Zoom or Google Meet. To meet in person there are a variety of community centers, restaurants and other meeting spaces in the Sacramento available free. If you feel comfortable you can even implement a program in your living room. For more information on free spaces in Sacramento County please contact Shari Egeland (916) 362-200 x14
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